Eid ul Adha: Saudi Arabia to locate Zil Hajj moon on Thursday

Saudi Arabia will locate the sickle moon on Thursday to stamp the beginning of Zil Hajj month, as per an authority declared on Wednesday.

The realm’s High Court gave an assertion on Wednesday, approaching inhabitants to locate the moon on the night of June 6, revealed Al Arabiya.

The locating should be possible regardless of the assistance of optics, the distribution added.

The individuals who sight the bow moon are approached to answer to the closest court and register their declaration.

“The High Court communicated trust that the people who are equipped for locating the bow moon will join boards framed for that reason in various districts and take part in such endeavors that benefit Muslims,” the Saudi Press Office revealed.

In the mean time in Pakistan, the Focal Ruet-e-Hilal Board is supposed to locate the Zil Hajj moon on Friday (June 7).

Boss Meteorologist Sardar Sarfaraz let Geo News know that the Zil Hajj moon would be brought into the world on June 6 at precisely 5:38pm.

“Solid possibilities of the moon are being located on June 7 as by then, at that point, it will be of over 26 hours,” he added.

Detecting the moon will hence help with fixing the date of Eid ul Adha as would be considered normal to fall on June 17.

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