Sun powered charger costs get out in front of financial plan

KARACHI:Prior to the revealing of the 2024-2025 financial plan in Pakistan, there has been a recognizable flood in sunlight powered charger costs, credited to brokers changing their rates fully expecting impending expense changes.

As per reports, the public authority, lining up with IMF conditions in the midst of bailout exchanges, is apparently thinking about overwhelming extra charges on sunlight powered chargers.

This hypothesis has driven dealers to proactively raise costs, bringing about an increment of Rs8 per watt across different board sizes and particulars.

As of June 2024, the new costs for sun powered chargers are as per the following:

1 Watt: Rs8

588 Watt Plate: Rs4,000 to Rs5,000

180 Watt Board: Rs1,440

Subsequently, shoppers presently face greater costs, with a critical leap noticed especially for bigger boards, for example, the 588-watt plate, which recently saw an increment of Rs3,000 to Rs4,000.

More modest boards going from 180 to 280 watts are currently valued somewhere in the range of Rs1,000 and Rs1,500.

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